RAC Route Planner Help

Frequently Asked Questions

For all maps and directions, please visit RAC Route Planner.

We source the information used in our Route Planner from various suppliers and third parties.

The mechanism behind our route finder service is predominantly based on Dijkstra’s algorithm. Every road segment has a "cost". For the shortest routes, this "cost" is simply the length. For the quickest routes, the software also takes into account the average speed of the road.

If you believe that RAC Route Planner has errors, please report them - Report a Route Planner error.

RAC Route Planner is constantly updated and sometimes after updates some customers might experience crashes due to old Route Planner files cached in their browsers.

We recommend clearing your browser cache to see if that fixes the problem.

If that doesn't fix the problem, please contact us and mention the operation system and browser version you're running along with the problem description.

The RAC Traffic mobile app is currently available for Android, iPhone, Symbian and Windows Phone smartphones.

Download RAC Traffic mobile app:

If you do not have a compatible phone but would still like to get traffic reports from RAC, please visit http://rac.mobi in your phone's web browser.

More information about RAC Traffic and its features.