Buying a used car?

Looking for an Autotrader Vehicle Check? Trust the RAC

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car magnify image

1 in 3 cars we check
have a hidden history

tachometer image

1 in 14 cars show
inaccurate mileage

scrap image

1 in 250 cars are sold
after being scrapped

car magnify image

1 in 3 cars we check
have a hidden history

tachometer image

1 in 20 cars show
inaccurate mileage

scrap image

1 in 250 cars are sold
after being scrapped

Autotrader Car History Check comparison

RAC Vehicle History Checks offers a comprehensive, in depth Vehicle check. In comparison to Auto Trader, we offer an additional 3 checks to the history report. Giving you the most vital information you need when it comes to carrying out an Autotrader vehicle check. The report includes a voucher of up to £55.

Auto Trader
Price £4.95* £5.99 per check
(£29.97 for 5 checks)
Vouchers worth up to £55 to spend at RAC Shop*****
Common breakdown reasons****
Common MOT faults
Full vehicle history check***
Private sale valuation
Market valuation**
Vin match
Vehicle description
Running costs
Vehicle tax banding
Fuel efficiency
History check guarantee

Get an instant history check

The most comprehensive car check in the UK. RAC Vehicle History Check gives you the vital history information and essential advice from motoring experts.

  • A complete history check of the car including 10 alerts covering outstanding finance, if it's been stolen, written off or scrapped and any mileage discrepancies.
  • Common breakdown reasons by make & model.
  • Common MOT failures by make & model.
  • Average running costs by make & model
  • A Guarantee of up to £30,000 to cover your car history check data view terms and conditions

* Comparison based on the cost of purchasing a singular car history check, not including multi-purchase offers.

** Market Valuation may be described as Dealer Price, Dealer Valuation and represents the market value of the vehicle.

*** Full History Check denotes main data checks carried out as part of the report.

**** Breakdown related information indicating common faults for named make and model.

***** Save £20/£30 on a Nextbase 622 Dashcam, £5/£10 discount on selected Autoglym products, £5/£10 off personalised tailored car mats and £5 off a premium european driving kit at RAC Shop.