Motoring news
How hanging an air freshener or fluffy dice from your mirror could cost you £1,000
9th August 2019 -
Video: Stunning crash footage as ‘flying van’ soars over roundabout
7th August 2019 -
Are e-scooters too dangerous to be legalised?
6th August 2019 -
This common misconception about overtaking could cost you your licence
6th August 2019 -
Rising fuel prices in July… and more could be on the way
3rd August 2019 -
RAC research reveals safety risk - how long do you drive without stopping?
1st August 2019 -
DVLA reveals strangest questions from drivers using the "Ask DVLA" service
30th July 2019 -
Unfair speeding fines? Motorists question 'snap happy' speed camera accuracy
29th July 2019 -
New drivers could be banned from driving at night under new licensing proposal
26th July 2019 -
Is a ‘dangerous’ new manoeuvre to blame for decade-low driving test pass rates?
24th July 2019 -
Government announces new road safety proposals – how will they affect you?
22nd July 2019 -
Fake ‘police officer’ slowing down speeding motorists
15th July 2019 -
Do you know about these French driving rules? RAC research reveals lack of driver knowledge
12th July 2019 -
Learner drivers face jail time for cheating on their tests – Driving test fraud on the rise
10th July 2019 -
Driver crashes extremely messy car because they couldn’t grab the handbrake
10th July 2019 -
£35 per minute: Driver hit by loading bay fine
8th July 2019 -
Road accident data reveals the dangers of not wearing shades at the wheel
5th July 2019 -
1.5 million snapped breaking London traffic laws
3rd July 2019 -
'Saharan bubble' heatwave: RAC predicts breakdowns to peak this weekend
27th June 2019 -
Police warning: how social media could ruin your holiday
26th June 2019 -
You're at a higher breakdown risk from today - Highways England issue breakdown season safety tips
24th June 2019 -
Should older drivers be restricted? Japan considers new rules after recent deaths
19th June 2019 -
Foreign diplomats visiting London haven’t paid charges of almost £120 million
17th June 2019 -
Big changes to motorway driving as red X fines come in
17th June 2019 -
James Bond’s Aston Martin DB5 expects to nab £5m at auction
14th June 2019 -
Are car headlights too bright? Dazzled drivers say it's getting worse
11th June 2019 -
Not aloud: new cameras to catch noisy motorists
10th June 2019 -
Khan backs 20mph limit across central London
7th June 2019 -
May makes it four miserable months of price rises at the pumps
5th June 2019 -
Highways England calls on motorists to tow safely this summer
3rd June 2019