According to the Manchester Evening News, council workers resurfaced around the local resident’s parked cars on the street.
However, Bury Council issued notices to the public telling them not park in Brandram Road, Prestwich while the resurfacing work was being carried out – which some car owners in the area either ignored or didn’t see the message.
The issue for many residents was that those signs were then removed after the gravel was placed on the road – which led to many thinking that it would be fine to park their vehicles on the road again.
Yet, the council workers had not yet finished resurfacing the road, and hadn’t laid the last layer of resin which goes on top of the gravel to hold it in place.
This meant that their employees chose to just add the top layer to where they could.
As a result, there are uneven patches of finished and unfinished parts of the road – with many areas full of rock fragments.
Local resident Alicia McIntosh told the MEN: “We left the cars for two days and we went away Friday afternoon. And we came back an hour ago to this. To be fair it doesn't bother me that much.
“The most annoying bit is treading the stones into the house. I've seen [tarmacking around cars] before around here. If they wanted us to move it, we could've done that so they could do a proper job.'
Another unnamed resident commented: “There were notices on the posts for no parking. I think everyone parked with a car did move them.
“They put the gravel or shail stuff down and then took the notices off, so we all thought it was done. Then we came back, and they had squirted this stuff on it. If it was all like that it would be great. It's messy as well [the gravel] because it gets everywhere.
“It was a surprise because nobody knew this was going to happen. It was in the afternoon that it happened, and I was out, and I came back to it like that. If they left them notices up people would've moved their cars. It is strange, it just looks half done.”
All residents that spoke about the issue did state that the road was in desperate need of repair. However, the issue is now that the road looks incomplete.
Who do you believe is at fault here – the residents or the council? What more could have been done? Have you got your own horror story of roadworks near your home? Let us know in the comments below.

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