Pavement parking to be banned in Scotland

Pavement parking to be banned in Scotland
Parking on pavements will soon be banned in Scotland under measures set out in a Transport Bill on Monday.

Under the proposed new rules, Scottish local authorities will be able to fine vehicle owners who leave their car straddling the kerb.

There’ll also be a crackdown on double parking, along with a range of other measures to improve urban air quality and boost public transport north of the border.

The RAC says there is clear support for action to stop “selfish parking”, but wants a “common sense” approach to the issue, with clear guidance over what is and isn’t acceptable.    

READ MORE: Our guide to parking on the pavement & Inveraray to Fort William, Scotland: Britain’s most scenic drive?

Under current law, parking on pavements is only illegal in London, except in certain boroughs where drivers are specifically instructed to park straddling the kerb.

But the Highway Code warns that: “Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs.”

The RAC advises drivers to make a careful appraisal of the situation before parking on a pavement.

“If there are restrictions, or your parking would cause wheelchair users or people with prams to have to walk into the road, then you should find somewhere else to park.”

But Nicholas Lyes, RAC head of roads policy, adds: “There are instances, particularly on narrow residential streets, where motorists believe they are doing the right thing by putting a wheel or two on the kerb so not to impede road access for other vehicles while also making sure they leave adequate space for those using the pavement and particularly wheelchair users.”

Responding to Scotland’s proposed ban on pavement parking, Mr Lyes says: “Parking is an emotive issue for many drivers, and there is certainly support for local authorities to clamp down on selfish parking where pavement access is blocked for pedestrians and vulnerable users.

“All eyes will now be on a set of standards and guidance that the Scottish Government will produce for local authorities which we hope will also be clear for motorists to understand.”

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Scotland’s new Transport Bill also proposes the introduction of low emission zones (LEZ) as part of measures to improve air pollution standards in the country.

The zones would be similar to those being introduced in central London, where drivers of non-Euro 6 diesel cars - registered before September 2015 – will have to pay £12.50 each time they enter the LEZ from 2019.

Copyright Press Association 2018. Motoring News articles do not reflect the RAC's views unless clearly stated.