Most police forces in England and Wales offer speed awareness courses when a low-level speeding offence has been committed. The course is designed to improve road safety and reduce road traffic deaths.
Speed awareness courses have been offered on an ad hoc basis by police forces in England and Wales for many years; however, in 2007, they were centralised by the Association of Chief Police Officers to form the National Speed Awareness Course (NSAC). More than one million people have attended a speed awareness course in the UK.
In this guide, we breakdown what a speed awareness course is, why it is important and what you can expect if you've been given the opportunity to attend one.
What is a speed awareness course?
Offered to drivers who commit low-level speeding offences, a speed awareness course is designed to educate motorists about the dangers of exceeding the speed limit.
The course may be hosted online or you may be asked to attended in-person. Up to 25 other people may be on the course and all will be expected to take the event seriously and contribute when asked.
The speed awareness course features a mixture of teachings about the dangers of speeding. It may also include a workshop-style section that will require the attendees to discuss why they exceeded the speed limit and talk about the dangers associated with driving at excessive speed.
Everyone who attends a speed awareness course will have their details recorded for three years, while those who do not attend or fail to take the event seriously may receive a speeding fine and penalty points on their driving licence.
What is involved in a speed awareness course?
A speed awareness course can take up to four hours and cover topics such as the impact of speeding, the consequences of collisions, and how to become a safer driver.
It is interactive, involving discussions, videos, and sometimes quizzes to engage participants.
Those who attend are encouraged to share their views on speeding and discuss with other attendees on what they have learnt.
Should the driver successfully complete the course, they will not receive penalty points on their driving licence. They will also not be fined for their speeding offence.
However, drivers who fail to attend or complete the course, will receive the points on their licence and receive a fine for speeding.
Who is eligible for a speed awareness course?
A speed awareness course may be offered to a driver who:
- Has not attended a similar course within the past three years
- Is deemed to have committed a low-level speeding offense where they have been caught driving up to 10% + 9 mph over the limit
How much is a speed awareness course?
The cost of a speed awareness course can range anywhere between £80 and £120. There are no other costs associated with the speed awareness course.
The cost can vary due to a range of factors, such as the location of the offence and when it took place.
When a driver receives their letter in the post that they have been caught speeding, they will be provided details with how to pay for their course.
This letter will also explain how to book the course and whether the event will take place online or at a specific location that they will need to attend in-person.
How often can you do a speed awareness course?
Drivers who are caught speeding and are asked to attend a speed awareness course must not reoffend within three years, otherwise they are subject to more serious punishments.
This includes fines and points on a driving licence.
Why wasn't I offered a speed awareness course?
There could be several reasons why you were not offered a speed awareness course:
- The local police force doesn't offer a speed awarenes course
- The speed limit was exceeding by a significant margin
- You have committing multiple driving offences
- You having a court summons for anther crime
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