Home Insurance Guides

Buying home insurance can be daunting. To help you make the right decision and get the best deal, read our home insurance guides – from how to calculate the right value of contents cover, to new for old insurance and home security tips. We also have an article on how subsidence affects your home insurance.

Home insurance essentials

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Home insurance excess guide

Our RAC Home Insurance guide answers your questions on voluntary and compulsory excess and how much you should be paying.

modern kitchen

New for old insurance

New for old cover is often available as part of a home insurance policy, but what does it mean and how does it work? This guide from the RAC explains.

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Accidental damage cover

Accidents can happen, but does your home insurance cover breakages and spillages? Here, the RAC looks at what accidental damage cover is and why you might need it.

smashed glass window

Why is it important to have home insurance?

Why is it important to have home insurance in place? This article from the RAC explains it all.

insurance claim paperwork

How to claim on home insurance

From flooding and fires to red wine spills or broken electronics, it can be tough to know when to make a claim. Optional or essential - our guide explains all.

sunny photo of some British bungalows

Bungalow insurance

Does living in a bungalow make a difference to the price of your home insurance? In this guide, the RAC takes a look at some of the factors to consider.

modern photograph of block of flats

Flat insurance

If you own a flat, instead of a house, does this make any difference to the cost of your home insurance? The RAC looks at the potential impact in this guide.

small model house

Ultimate guide to home insurance

How does home insurance work and what type of cover do you need? This guide from the RAC answers all the important questions.

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What home insurance do I need if I rent?

RAC explain what home insurance you need if you are renting a property, click here to find out more.

miniature paper model home

Contents insurance for tenants & renters

If you rent your home, do you need to bother with insurance? Actually you do - this RAC guide takes a closer look at contents insurance for tenants.

Home security and emergency

flooded high street

What is a high-risk item?

Making a claim on home insurance is bad enough without considering the loss of items that are valuable or high risk. But what items are deemed as high risk?

brickwork with cracked cement


Subsidence can disrupt the structure of a property, and can become a problem for homeowners if it’s not identified and resolved - but how does it affect your home insurance?

photograph of the roofs on terraced housing

How roofs affect home insurance

Did you know that the type of roof you have on your property might have an impact on your home insurance? The RAC explains why in this handy guide.

person locking a patio door

Tips for a secure home while on holiday

A holiday is your time to relax, but it means leaving your home unoccupied. Follow these tips from the RAC to help keep your property secure while you’re away.

What is home emergency cover?

An unexpected boiler breakdown can be a nightmare, but, if you’ve got emergency home cover it doesn't have to be. Find out more in our quick guide.

Home insurance tools and advice

empty room being renovated

Adding value to your home

A home improvement project can not only enhance your property, it can add value too - but it might have an impact on your home insurance, as the RAC explains.

calculator and maths equipment

How to work out the rebuild cost of your home?

Not everyone is a builder and calculating your home's rebuild cost isn't always an easy process. It's a crucial question and needs answering accurately.

person on laptop with calculator

Home Contents Insurance Calculator

Need to work out the value of your possessions for home insurance? Use our quick and easy tool, helping you work out how much cover you need for your policy.

Protect your home and peace of mind today
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