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RAC Business Insurance

Keep your business moving with commercial insurance from the RAC and its trusted partner, Brightside Insurance Services Ltd

RAC Business Insurance is provided by Brightside Insurance Services Ltd. Products supplied by a panel of insurance companies. Details available on request.

When you have little more than a trusty van, it’s easy to buy insurance with the click of a mouse. But as your business grows, you may find not everything is possible online; that it can be better and more reassuring to talk to someone – someone from a brand you can trust. Buy via RAC Business Insurance and you’ll get a service that:

  • understands your business
  • listens to your needs
  • gives the right advice about the cover you need.

RAC Business Insurance is fulfilled by insurance specialists with staff trained to give advice and ask all the right questions so that clients have the protection they require.

Working closely with the UK’s leading insurers, RAC Business Insurance strives to find competitive cover options – often bespoke to a customer’s needs rather than ‘off-the-shelf’ products.

All cover is subject to insurer's underwriting criteria and full terms and conditions, which are available on request.


You have a legal obligation (as a buyer of commercial insurance), to disclose information before entering (or changing) a contract of insurance. We call this your duty to make a Fair Presentation of Risk.

It means that when you seek insurance, you need to volunteer and disclose all material information that is known by you (or should be known by you), which an insurer would want to know when it’s deciding whether to offer insurance cover and, if so, on what terms and at what price.

You need to make sure that facts are correct or substantially correct, and statements of expectation or belief are made in good faith.

Get in touch

Prefer to speak to an expert on the phone? No problem, just call the number below.

Get a quote

To get a quote, click below and tell us a little bit about your Business Insurance needs.