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RAC Business Breakdown Patrol
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Business Breakdown core cover levels

There are many different cover levels and options with RAC to keep your business on the move.

Roadside & At Home

We can get an RAC patrol wherever you are. If we are unable to fix your vehicle we'll tow up to 10 miles to your location of choice.


If we can't fix your vehicle at the roadside we'll take you and up to 8 passengers (more if it is specialist Minibus Cover) to your chosen single destination anywhere in the UK.

Breakdown add-ons

European Breakdown Cover

With RAC Business European Breakdown Cover, English-speaking incident managers are on hand 24/7 to help you if you break down. From fixing your vehicle at the roadside, towing it to the nearest garage for repair, or returning it to the UK.

Onward Travel

If we can't fix your vehicle the same day, we'll give you a replacement car or van for up to 2 days. Or we can arrange overnight accommodation or cover alternative travel costs.

Van Breakdown Cover

With Van Lite Cover, you'll get all the benefits of Roadside and At Home cover. Plus if your vehicle goes to a garage, we'll reimburse you for the cost of a taxi ride up to 20 miles. So you'll never be left stranded.

With Van Total Cover, you'll get all the benefits of Van Lite cover. Plus Onward Travel and Recovery, including van-for-van replacement if your vehicle needs to go to a garage.

Supercharge your cover with RAC breakdown extras

Battery Replace

With Battery Replace, you'll get a new battery worth up to £600 if yours can't be re-charged.

Legal Expense Insurance

If you have an accident that wasn't your fault, we'll help you claim back losses your motor insurance doesn't cover.

Tyre Replace

With Tyre Replace, you'll get up to £150 per tyre to repair or replace a damaged or punctured tyre.